San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus

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How to Use Music to Support LGBTQ+ Mental Health

Do you remember a time when you first heard a song that felt like it reached inside your soul and pulled out the feelings you could barely put into words?

Maybe it was a burst of pure joy that sent you dancing around your room, or an artist's raw heartache mirroring a darkness you thought you were alone in.

Music has that kind of power for LGBTQ+ mental health – to uplift, to soothe, and to make us feel understood.

For members of the LGBTQ+ community, this power goes even deeper. Studies show that LGBTQ+ people experience depression and anxiety at significantly higher rates than the general population and that integrating music into therapy can be especially effective.

In a world that often tells us our identities are wrong, confusing, or something to hide, music can offer solace. It's a place to hear our struggles and triumphs reflected back honestly, often with bold vulnerability.

It can be a battle cry, a whispered reassurance, the soundtrack to dancing defiantly in the face of those who try to silence us. It offers a space to grieve experiences others may never understand, and to discover a community that celebrates us for exactly who we are.

While music alone can't erase the very real mental health challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals, it's a powerful tool for coping, healing, and self-discovery. The sting of discrimination, the weight of societal expectations, and the insidious nature of internalized negativity take a toll. Yet, even in the darkest of times, there's magic in the right song at the right moment.

It won't make all our struggles disappear, but it can be a catalyst for healing, a companion on the journey, and a reminder that even as we fight for change, we deserve moments of simple, unadulterated joy.

Finding Your Soundtrack for Healing

Music can be a powerful tool for LGBTQ+ mental health – but just like with any tool, it works best when you use it deliberately. If you're struggling, taking a moment to figure out what you need from the music makes a huge difference. Here's how:

Step 1. Tuning In

The first step is simple self-awareness. Ask yourself "What am I feeling right now?" Don't judge the emotion – be it sadness, rage, numbness, a flickering hope – there's no shame in any of it.

Step 2. Setting the Mood

Now think,

"What feeling would help me right now?"

"What feeling do I WANT to evoke?"

If you're overwhelmed, maybe you need calming tunes. If you're stuck, perhaps you need an energetic anthem to get you moving. Or maybe you need to find a spark of joy when everything feels bleak. Music can help shift our energy and emotional state.

Or maybe you just need to wallow in sadness for a bit? Let out some anger? That's okay too! You do you!

Step 3. Create playlists for all your moods

Don't be afraid if your "angry" playlist is full of screaming rock songs or your "empowerment" playlist is cheesy 90s pop. This is for YOU, not to impress anyone. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Songs to Cry Out in the Shower To: Sometimes, you need those gut-wrenching ballads.

  • Anthems for Existing Loudly on Purpose: Defiant, joyful, the perfect soundtrack for taking up space.

  • Tenderness When The World Feels Harsh: For the days your soul needs a gentle hug.

  • Rage, Righteous and Loud: Let yourself vent to blistering guitars or pulsating beats when the anger needs an outlet.

  • Reminders That I'm a Badass: Because sometimes you need to hear someone else say it until you believe it yourself.

  • Joy, Pure and Simple: Because we all deserve to shake off the world's weight and just feel happy.

  • Permission to Feel Everything: For when the emotions get messy, and you need music that says "it's okay."

As you build those playlists, make sure to explore LGBTQ+ music and artists. Hearing someone sing about the very specific heartache of a first queer love, or celebrate their identity with joyous defiance, adds another layer of healing. After all, sometimes the most powerful medicine is knowing you're not alone in your experiences.

Don't know where to start? Luckily, there are amazing resources to help! Here are a few:

  • Autostraddle: They have tons of music articles geared towards the queer community.

  • Social Media: Search for hashtags like #queermusic, #lgbtmusic, and follow accounts dedicated to spotlighting LGBTQIA+ musicians. You'll discover new artists and find like-minded fans to geek out with.

  • Spotify: Even their main curated playlists often include numerous LGBTQIA+ musicians. For even more targeted recs, check out the Spotify Community's Music Exchange section. Seek out threads focused on LGBTQ+ music recommendations, or start your own! People share playlists for specific moods, identities, and genres. You might discover amazing new artists that way, AND find a community who shares your taste.

  • LGBTQ Music Chart: This UK-based site tracks what's popular with queer music fans, offering a great way to see what's trending right now within the community.

Connecting Through Music

Music alone might soothe your soul, but the true power comes from the community it connects you to. Think back to that first song that resonated with you – imagine the power of being in a room full of people who felt the exact same way! Here are a few ways to get connected:

Live and In-Person: Attend concerts or events featuring queer artists. Even small-scale local gigs create a unique sense of belonging. It's more than the music; it's cheering together, singing along to lyrics written for people LIKE YOU.

Want to experience the full power of music in the community? Join us at the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus's next concert! Click here for dates and ticket information.

Find Your Online Tribe: Fan spaces on social media, forums, or dedicated websites let you connect with people who adore the same artists you do. Share favorite lyrics, discuss the deeper meanings behind songs, or bond over how a certain album got you through a rough patch.

The Power of Sharing: Did a song offer you solace during a rough patch? Share it with a friend who might be struggling too! The connection between music and mental health is undeniable, and sharing songs can spark conversations that go way deeper than "this song's catchy." They can lead to moments of vulnerability and support that deepen a friendship.

Feeling extra brave? Want an experience that will change your life? Consider joining us at the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus (SFGMC)! Sharing your voice with us is about more than just singing – it's about finding your people, celebrating your identity, and using music to make a difference. If this sounds like your kind of community, learn more about auditions.

Not in the Bay Area? No worries! Seek out other local LGBTQIA+ choirs, musical groups, or bands. Or visit the GALA Choruses website, an organization with over 190 member choruses across North America, to find your community.

Music as Emotional Release

Sometimes, the best way to process big emotions is to let them move through you, and music can be a fantastic facilitator! Get out of passive listening mode and try these mental health care through music techniques:

  • Move Your Body: Blast those anthems and dance like no one is watching! Express joy with wild abandon, or let the rhythm help channel your rage into something less destructive.

  • Channel Your Inner Diva: There's no shame in belting out lyrics at the top of your lungs, even if you're off-key. Sometimes, screaming along to a song that gets your pain feels better than talking about it.

  • Share the Release: Grab your friends and hit up a karaoke night, or find a welcoming bar with a live band and jam! Even if you sound terrible, laughing together while channeling your inner pop star helps lighten the emotional load.

  • Journaling + Tunes: Put on a playlist that matches your mood, and just free write. What do the songs bring up? Memories, fears, hopes? Getting it on paper can be cathartic alongside the music.

  • "Ugly Cry" Sessions: Need a good cry? We all have those days when we need to let the sadness out. Make a playlist of the most heart-wrenching songs you know, give yourself permission to sob and let it all out.

  • Create Your Own: Musically inclined? Learn to play those songs that move you, or even try writing your own lyrics! Turning your emotions into a tangible creative act can be incredibly empowering.

Beyond Listening to Music: Resources & Reminders

Music is a beautiful tool, but it's important to remember that it's not a substitute for professional help if you're facing serious mental health struggles or a possible mental illness like anxiety and depression. Sometimes, you need more structured support, and there's no shame in that! Here's how to find that extra layer of care:

  • Therapy + Tunes: If you're seeing a therapist, especially one with an LGBTQ+ mental health focus, ask them about integrating music into your sessions. Music therapists can help you choose songs to explore your emotions, or guide you into music-based mindfulness exercises.

  • Resources to Help You Find Help: Organizations focused on LGBTQ+ mental health often understand how music can be both a lifeline and a starting point. Here are a few with excellent information and links to further help:

  • The Trevor Project: Offers crisis support, but also resources for ongoing mental wellness, often including the role of arts in healing.

  • It Gets Better Project: While their focus is on storytelling, they often discuss how music was a lifeline for many youth, and link to places to find help.

  • Your Local Resources: Don't underestimate the power of your local LGBTQIA+ community center. They often have lists of queer-affirming therapists or low-cost mental health resources.

Remember, the world may not always feel safe or welcoming, but remember: you are strong, you are worthy, and you deserve to create a life filled with the music of your own joy. Let these playlists be your armor, your anthem, your reminder that you are never alone.

May music be your beacon of hope in the darkness, a wellspring of strength, and a constant reminder of the beauty that exists, both within you and in the community that awaits you. Keep fighting for your space. Keep singing your truth. Even a small hum carries the power to soothe.

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