San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus

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10 LGBTQ+ Choirs and Choruses That Inspire

Music has the power to move our souls, but when voices unite in harmony, something truly special happens. It's a vibrant reflection of the LGBTQIA+ community itself – diverse identities, experiences, and triumphs woven together to create something beautiful and powerful. LGBTQ+ choirs and choruses do more than just perform; they amplify voices, inspire courage, and create spaces where everyone feels seen and celebrated.

Their music is a celebration of identity, a call for acceptance, and a reminder that we are stronger together. From grand concert halls to cozy community centers, these choirs build a sense of community and belonging through the simple act of singing. Let's explore some of the incredible LGBTQ choirs and choruses whose voices not only inspire but also embolden us to embrace our full, authentic selves.

  1. San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus (SFGMC)

The SFGMC isn't just one of the most renowned gay choruses in the world; it holds the distinction of being the first openly gay chorus in history. Founded in 1978, the chorus emerged from a time of both celebration and mourning for San Francisco's LGBTQIA+ community.

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Following the assassination of activist Harvey Milk, a group of friends gathered to sing, seeking solace and a way to honor his legacy. This simple act of shared music blossomed into a powerful force for change.

The SFGMC became a beacon of resilience, using their voices to advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights and bridge divides through the unifying power of music.

2. Oakland Gay Men's Chorus (OGMC)

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Founded in 1991, the Oakland Gay Men's Chorus (OGMC) reflects the East Bay's vibrant spirit – it's a melting pot of voices celebrating the beauty of the LGBTQIA+ community. They've faced challenges, even losing their rehearsal space in the tragic Ghost Ship fire, but their voices only rang out stronger. The OGMC believes music transcends boundaries, and their mission is to use their voices to build bridges of understanding.

3. Transcendence Gospel Choir

The Transcendence Gospel Choir, established in 2015, proves gospel music is for everyone! They challenge the idea that faith and queerness have to clash, offering a message of love and acceptance for LGBTQIA+ people seeking spiritual community. Transcendence Gospel Choir uses their powerful voices to spread harmony and healing, showing the world that inclusivity can be downright soulful.

4. Youth Pride Chorus (YPC)

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The YPC, founded in 2008 and based in New York City, isn't just about singing; it's about empowering LGBTQIA+ youth to find their voice and use it to make a difference. Their music echoes through the streets, from local rallies to the steps of City Hall, proving that pride has a powerful soundtrack in the heart of NYC. YPC shows that the future of the LGBTQIA+ community is fearless, energetic, and bursting with creative energy.

5. The Queer Chorus of San Francisco (TQCSF)

If there’s a choir that embodies the vibrant spectrum of the LGBTQIA+ community, it's TQCSF! Founded in 2003, this chorus specifically welcomes trans and non-binary singers, celebrating diversity in everything from pronouns to pitch.

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TQCSF isn't afraid to change it up – they've performed in languages from Hebrew to Swahili, proving music truly is universal! This chorus is a reminder that music is a powerful tool for building inclusion and celebrating the joy of singing your truth.

6. The Windy City Gay Chorus (Chicago)

Chicago's own Windy City Gay Chorus burst onto the scene in 1979, adding their harmonious voices to the city's rich legacy of activism. These talented singers aren't just about great music; they've used their platform for social justice since the beginning.

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Ever heard of the "Lavender Line"? That massive 2017 equality march was backed by a chorus 300 strong from the WCGC! And talking about commitment: they've even performed at maximum security prisons, proving that the power of music knows no boundaries.

The Windy City Gay Chorus stands as a testament to the impact art can have on both hearts and minds.

7. Pink Singers (London)

Fancy a little trip across the pond? The Pink Singers have been singing proudly since 1983, making them one of Europe's oldest LGBTQIA+ choirs. This group paved the way for others to celebrate queer identities through music, inspiring the formation of LGBTQIA+ choirs across the continent.

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They've performed for royalty AND at protests, proving that music can be both refined and revolutionary. The Pink Singers stand for a world where everyone can sing their truth, loud and clear.

8. New York City Gay Men's Chorus

Founded in 1980, the New York City Gay Men's Chorus emerged at a pivotal and heartbreaking moment for the LGBTQIA+ community. While a time of growing acceptance was dawning, the devastating AIDS crisis cast a long shadow. This chorus began as a source of solace for those mourning unimaginable loss. They sang to remember loved ones, to defy despair, and to demand action against a shattering epidemic.

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Music became their form of healing and protest. They sang at hospital bedsides, offering comfort in the face of immense hardship, and raised their voices to educate the public about the crisis. Later, these same voices would fill Broadway theaters and the hallowed Carnegie Hall! The NYC Gay Men's Chorus is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of music to carry us from grief to triumphant celebration.

Beyond their star-studded performances, they're about breaking down stereotypes and championing social justice, showing that a chorus can be both glitter and grit.

9. Trans Chorus of Los Angeles

The Trans Chorus of Los Angeles (TCLA), founded in 2015, brings a powerful message of trans visibility and celebration to the West Coast. Mirroring the work of their San Francisco siblings, the TCLA offers a space of belonging and joyful self-expression for trans and gender-nonconforming singers.

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Did you know they sometimes hold rehearsals via Zoom? Talk about using modern tools to foster community! This chorus believes in amplifying trans voices and using music to break down barriers.

10. Boston Gay Men's Chorus

As one of the oldest LGBTQIA+ chorus in the US, the Boston Gay Men's Chorus (BGMC) holds a special place in choral history. Founded in 1982, these singers broke down barriers in a city with a complex relationship with LGBTQIA+ rights.

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From tackling social issues in their performances to founding life-changing outreach programs for LGBTQIA+ youth, this chorus isn't afraid to put their music where their convictions are. A proof of their impact? They performed in courtrooms as their state legalized same-sex marriage, showing that music can be part of changing history. Also, BGMC was the first Chorus chosen by Disney entertainment to premiere the groundbreaking “Disney Pride in Concert.”


These are only a few of the organizations that have spread choral music so passionately over the years. The legacy of these choirs and choruses extends far beyond their moving performances. They are inspiring the next generation, challenging long-held stereotypes, and proving that music can break down barriers. Their voices are a promise of a future where everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can sing their truth with pride and joy. Support these incredible choirs – attend their concerts, spread the word about their work, and let their music fill you with hope and a renewed commitment to creating a more inclusive world for all.

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