San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus

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San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus Issues Statement of Solidarity Following Orlando Shooting

SAN FRANCISCO (June 14, 2016) – Today, San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus (SFGMC) issued a statement of solidarity for those affected by this past weekend’s mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Read the statement below.

Additionally, the Chorus offered a video of solidarity, filmed during last night’s SFGMC rehearsal. The Chorus sang “Dedication,” with music by Richard Burchard and text by Mark Twain (based on a poem by Robert Richardson) as an act of support for the victims of the tragedy, as well as for all who have banded together to promote peace, love, healing and pride following the events this past weekend. Watch the video below:

This past weekend's tragic events in Orlando, Florida have absolutely shaken us to our core. This senseless act of violence, targeted specifically at the LGBTQ+ community, is, quite simply, unacceptable. However, it a wake-up call to complacency and a painful reminder that the fight for equality is not over. And while we continue to face violence for simply being who we are, living our authentic lives, we also come together to show strength as a community, standing up against hatred and intolerance and spreading hope, pride and love.

This past Sunday, we gathered with thousands in the Castro for a candlelight vigil to collectively mourn those we lost at the Pulse nightclub. We were joined by community leaders, local activists and elected officials who came to offer thoughts, prayers and challenges to take a stand. But when the words fail us, when there's nothing more to say, that's when we sing.  Last night, we taped this video to show our solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Orlando.

Music by Richard Burchard
Text by Mark Twain, adapted from a poem by Robert Richardson

Warm summer sun,
shine brightly here,
Warm Southern wind,
blow softly here,
Green sod above,
lie light, lie light,
Good night, dear heart;
good night, good night.
We raise our voices to show our support - for the lives lost, for those injured, for the
selfless people who have poured out as first responders, who have provided shelter and
counseling, for those who have rallied their communities.
We remember those killed and we fight for justice to remind the world that we as
LGBTQ people are people, that we must be seen, and that our light continues to shine,

Shine brightly here.